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My Story. 

Hey there. My name is Hannah. If you're here, it's because you either have been or are currently going through one of the most difficult times in your life. Maybe even THE most difficult time to date. I'm so sorry you ended up here, but I'm also glad you found me. I hope my story will show you that you're not alone and that you will get through this. 


Let me give you a little background on me. I promise I'll keep it simple! I started dating my ex-husband in 2017. We got engaged in early 2019 and married in late summer of 2020 (the pandemic wedding should've been a sign, right?). We had been happily married for almost 4 years, had just purchased our first home, and were discussing starting our family. And then I was COMPLETELY blind-sided by my husband's affair. I was open to reconciliation, but after 6 months of no real efforts to change and continued lies, I left. In January 2025, our divorce was finalized. I was now 28 years old and a divorcee. 

This blog is my way of coping with the rollercoaster ride of emotions that comes with betrayal and divorce. You'll see good, bad, sad, mad, and everything in between. Please join me on my journey as I try to heal and move forward. And remember - even if it doesn't feel like it, we got this! 

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